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  • About COSY
  • About COSY MAG
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is a non-profit platform liberating and empowering independent media, artists, writers and culture for a freer future.

COSY CONVOS. The democratic audio-video podcast where everyone's voice gets heard. Check out COSY CONVOS.
COSYPress. An end-to-end content management system built to make collaboratively working on a publication easier. Free and open source. Learn more.
COSY MAG APP. Read 300+ high quality articles by real people just like you. Coming soon. Learn more.

We live in a media climate fraught with division, intolerance and misinformation.

  • Traditional journalism, we feel, is outdated and doesn't represent marginalised perspectives from real people.

  • Although we are constantly connected to the internet, we still feel disconnected.

  • Media, arts and culture are incentivised by corporate interests, making it difficult for independent voices to cut through the noise.

So we asked people what change they wanted to see.

They wanted:

  • A platform that uplifts and honours everybody's unique perspective.

    We are all at the mercy of social media algorithms that don't enable nuanced human discussion and expression, making it difficult for our voices to cut through the noise.

    COSY dedicates itself to helping everyone find visibility by changing the way we share and display content.

  • A democratic community without hierarchy.

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  • A source of truth that's accessible and trustworthy.

    We are all thirsty for knowledge and connection! As social media platforms grow in monthly active users, most people go there to learn. Unfortunately, these platforms lack editorial standards.

    In an age of such misinformation, where fact-checking is more important than ever before, we want to make intimidating information as accessible as possible while maintaining a high editorial standard so people can trust us as a source of truth.

We currently do all of this in a few ways:


A worldwide publication run for the people, by the people – publishing 300+ articles.


An audio-video podcast show platforming conversations with young, passionate creatives and thinkers.


The technology that powers COSY – which we're open-sourcing for anyone to build on top of.


COSY Community

A worldwide community built on our principles – establishing a diverse creative scene online.

Let's go into each one...

With over 300 articles spanning 18 categories, COSY MAG prides itself on being different to other publications.

COSY MAG is a collaborative publication, entirely run by voluntary writers and editors.

We try to platform and publish intersectional ideas, even from those who've never written an article before. We think it's important for there to be a publication where anyone can be heard.

Despite this, articles are rigorously fact-checked and edited by our volunteer editors with our custom-built peer-review system.

COSY MAG is powered by


COSY MAG is powered by


The technical requirements behind COSY were so ambitious that we couldn't just use generic, off-the-shelf software to build it. We had to design and engineer it all from the ground up.

COSYPress is the technology that underpins COSY MAG. It's what enables us to deliver such a rich multimedia experience on mobile apps and the web. And soon, we'll be releasing our work into the public domain – open-sourcing it – allowing anyone to leverage the work we've done to empower their own creative hustles.

This is a conceptual image of the vision of COSYPress. Some features in this illustration, like live video calling and collaborative editing, are coming soon.

Why Our Writers Love COSY MAG

We regularly get heartwarming messages telling us how important COSY MAG is to them. These messages inspire us and remind us of the impact of our work.

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platforms conversations with young creatives and thinkers all around the world.

learn more about COSY CONVOS

We live in increasingly uncertain times. With growing political division, the acceleration of climate change, the instability of the economy, and unrelieved social injustices, it is incredibly difficult to be a young person in the modern world without falling victim to corrupt influencers and echo chambers.

How can we more effectively bridge the gaps between different ideas and cultures?

COSY CONVOS is a place discussing all of these subjects and more with passionate people with vastly different interests – embodying the principles we set in COSY MAG on an entirely new platform.

We want COSY CONVOS to be a space for independent creatives – giving them a space to share their work and reflect on their journeys.

We try to find every opportunity to highlight independent artists – even showing art submitted to COSY during intermissions on COSY CONVOS.

We want to show young creatives that prosperity in the arts is possible by leading through example. In the process, we challenge commonly held preconceptions about art and ideas, and try to create a more diverse view of the world we live in.

Nothing we do with COSY would be possible without our worldwide community.

COSY was founded with the intention of connecting people across all physical and social boundaries – like gender, race, sexuality, ability, and class. It's all about creating a collective consciousness that includes everybody for us all to share with and learn from.

We're always trying to find new ways to cultivate our community online to develop safe spaces through the internet – to transcend physical distance and capture the hearts and minds of more people.

The COSY Book Club will be an online community promoting reading amongst a new generation.

Despite books being more available than ever before, less of us are reading. And starting to read all on your own can be incredibly daunting!

The COSY Book Club will be an inclusive, cosy space where anyone who's interested in reading more can do so in the nurturing presence of lovely, passionate readers all over the world!

Unlike other book clubs, The COSY Book Club will operate remotely - allowing budding readers from all over the world to join in.

Interested? Enter your email address to be the first to know when the Book Club starts up.

we won't spam you about anything else – we promise!

The COSY Discord is a warm, welcoming online space to discuss anything and everything we just mentioned – or just make friends!

Online comment sections don’t really leave much room for nuance. But online spaces create a real opportunity to have meaningful conversation from a multitude of perspectives.

So we made the COSY Discord to enable productive, friendly discussion about the kinds of things we feature on COSY MAG and COSY CONVOS – allowing individuals and artists to discover each other, share ideas, and collaborate on exciting new projects.

Join our Discord server now!

It's easy, it's free, and everybody's invited 🤍

We're made up of people volunteering their talent from all over the globe.
It's what makes us great, and we don't want to stop!

meet our team!

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